
Hi! I'm Manish.

A Programming Enthusiast!

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I am an Electronics Engineering Student who is passionate about Problem-Solving & Computer Science. I ❤️ tea and enjoy spending quality time with my family.

My Skills.


Development & Writing

I started learning to code when I was 17 with C++ as my first language. I enjoy exploring new technologies and developing mini-projects to improve my skills. I also like reading articles on Quora about Programming, Computer Science & specially Cricket!


Problem Solving

Apart from that, these days I also enjoy solving problems on platforms like Hackerrank & Codechef. They are FUN! Everyday we have several moments where we could simply implement a better algorithm to solve a subtle problem. This is the advantage of problem-solving. We start thinking constantly about the time & space complexities!

Wanna Get In Touch

You definitely won't regret it!

There is a better probability of me answering your mail at 1 am instead of 1 pm.

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